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SimeonOnSecurity 今天学到的东西和有趣的东西

今天,SimeonOnSecurity 在 ImmersiveLabs 上完成了多个防御和进攻实验室。他们还观看了有关以下主题的视频:

UniFi Protect G3 Instant - 拆箱、审查和比较(串扰解决方案) 盗版、加密和 Windows 产品激活秘史(戴夫的车库) 新 CPU 的发布 (LinusTechTips) 为什么有人转向 UniFi Protect (TechnoTim)


- Completed multiple Defensive and Offensive Labs


- Crosstalk Solutions - UniFi Protect G3 Instant - Unboxing, review, and comparison - Dave’s Garage - Pirates, Crypto, and the Secret History of Windows Product Activation - LinusTechTips - You Can’t Buy This CPU… Yet - TechnoTim - Why I moved to UniFi Protect